Year 1 2023-2024

Welcome to Year 1

Author Visit to St Alban's

Visit to The British Library

In Maths, we can double and halve numbers

Reading is Year 1's favourite thing to do!

In Geography, the children are learning about the weather in the UK

Year 1 love writing

In Art, Year 1 are making 3D sculptures

The children had a wonderful visit to Tower of London

As part of their learning in geography and in English, the children visited the Tower of London. They had a lovely day exploring the famous landmark.  

Learning about the Easter story

An artist worked with Year 1 for two days. The children created beautiful prints.

An artist worked with Year 1 to create all sorts of different printing. The children created pieces of art by finger printing, marbling and mono printing. Their art will be displayed at Central Saint Martin's Gallery in July.

In Science Year 1 are learning about plants.

Year 1 have begun learning about plants. Here you can see them closely examining a germinating seed. The children then planted the seeds in soil and watched them grow. 

As part of DT and also English, Year 1 made pumpkin soup. It was delicious!

In English the children were reading the book Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. The children made their own pumpkin soup.

To support their understanding of animal groups, Year 1 looked after a tortoise.

 As part of the Year 1 Science, Year 1 compared animals. To apply their understanding and knowledge of reptiles, they looked after a tortoise called Willa for a day. 

We sorted objects in Maths.

Year 1 trip to The National Gallery was very informative and interesting.

Computing with Bee Bots is always fun!

Science Investigating Materials

In Science, Year 1 were learning about the properties of materials. The children tested a different materials to see if they were tough or not. They also conducted tests to see if materials were waterproof or absorbent. 

Year 1's text this half term in Beegu by Alexis Deacon

In this lesson, the children had to find missing aliens. They read a description of an alien and then had to search the classroom for them. 

Year 1 are making puppets in D T

In this lesson Year 1 explored three different methods to join fabric. These were glueing, pinning and stapling. As you can see, they showed immense concentration to make sure the joining was straight and neat.  

Year 1 made Christmas and New Year cards for their Mummies and Daddies.

Our Special Christmas Trip to Wishmas

Autumn 2 Collective Worship


Year 1 had their first Collective Worship of the year on Friday. Have a look at the power point from their performance. 

Year 1 use manipulatives to develop their calculation skills.

Year 1 Class Poet is Julia Donaldson.

The children practise sentences and extend their vocabulary before they write.

Year 1 are developing ball skills in P.E this half term.