Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset was introduced in 2016 to encourage challenge, perseverance and resilience in our children.
Based on the work of Carol Dweck, this project not only fosters children embracing challenge, but also encourages adults to think about the language we use. Instead of hearing us say, "Clever boy!" which can promote a fixed mindset (I'm clever so I don't need to try) you will hear us say some of the following:
When things are hard your brain is growing!
If at first you don’t succeed – that’s normal!
Good it is making you think – that is how you know your brain is growing!
If something is hard you am learning something new.
Never give up –use a different strategy.
Don’t say no – have a go!
Plan A didn’t work – now try Plan B!
Mistakes are proof you are trying.
That’s a great mistake! You can learn from it…
Struggling makes you stronger.
You can’t do it – YET!
Our Growth Mindset explicitly links to our whole school Christian Values, Golden Rules and teaching pedagogy.