Raising concerns, queries or complaints

Procedures to follow if you have a concern, query or complaint


At St Alban’s we value parent opinions and welcome open communication between school and parents.  We do recognise that from time to time parents may wish to discuss or raise a concern with the school.

The school procedure for dealing with concerns is devised with the intention that it will:

  • usually be possible to resolve problems by informal means
  • be simple to use and understand
  • be non adversarial
  • provide confidentiality
  • allow problems to be handled swiftly
  • address all the points at issue
  • inform future practice so that the problem is unlikely to recur


Who do I speak to and how?

Most questions or concerns can be solved very easily by talking to your child’s class teacher.  If your question or concern is quick, please do speak to them at the beginning or end of the day.  If you would like more time, then please ask for an appointment with the teacher.


Who else can I speak to and how?

If you would like to speak with other members of staff, such as the Assistant Headteacher then please make an appointment through Rujina in the school office (admin@stalbans.sch.uk OR 0207 242 8585 OR in person at the office located in the front foyer).


If you feel your concern, after speaking with the teacher or Assistant Head, has not been dealt with to a satisfactory resolution, an appointment can be made to speak with the Head of School.

If a parent still feels there is no satisfactory resolution, then they should follow the school's complaints policy which can be found in the ‘Key Information’ section on the website under ‘Policies’ OR can be obtained from the school office.