The Governing Board
The Full Governing Board at St Alban’s
The Governing Board at St Alban’s C.E Primary re-constituted in September 2015 in line with statutory guidelines.
Since that time, governors have been selected and appointed to the board according to the needs of the school (that governors have the appropriate skillset) and with consideration to succession planning and consistency. The board has members that have a wide breadth of skills and expertise, which work together to drive the school forwards.
The Board meets six times a year for Full Governing Board Meetings and three times a year for Governor Visits and training. Every meeting has a very clear focus, as identified by the Governing Board Annual Planner, to ensure the board is able to be strategic in its approach and challenge effectively. Each FGB meeting has a focus: Resources, or Achievement and Curriculum.
Resources focus meetings address key issues related to finance, premises and personnel. All members of the Governing Board sit on these meetings to ensure strategic and consistent approaches to the schools finances.
Performance related pay is discussed during the first FGB meeting of the year with a resources focus.
Curriculum and pupil outcomes are fixed agenda items at all FGB meetings.
Whilst Pupil Premium spending and Sports Premium spending are key agenda items at FGB meetings, these are also scrutinised by allocated governors at least termly throughout the school year.
The Governing Board has a clear understanding of its roles and responsibilities. Members keep their knowledge up to date by attending high quality training, reading the most up to date documents and know that they are an integral part of the leadership of the school.
Anyone wishing to contact the Chair of Governors, Allan Jenkins, please email