Pupil Premium Funding
Pupil Premium Strategy
Pupil Premium (Disadvantaged pupils)
Schools receive additional funding for any pupils who have been eligible for free school meals during the last six years, pupils who are looked after by the local authority or who are in care, and for pupils from families where a parent serves in the armed forces. This money is known as the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG). Schools receive £1,345 for each child who is eligible for PPG. To see if your child is eligible for PPG, please visit https://www.camden.gov.uk/free-school-meals
Schools also receive £2,345 for each pupil who leave authority care because of one of the following:
a special guardianship order
a child arrangements order
a residence order
Children who have been in local authority care for 1 day or more also are allocated £2,345 of pupil premium funding.
At St Alban’s we are incredibly ambitious for all our children. As a Church School, firmly rooted in the teachings and values of Jesus, we aim for all children to be successful, independent learners and effective decision makers. We value the individual and are committed to inclusive education, equal opportunities and respect for all.
In order to ensure we allocate our pupil premium funding effectively each year, the leadership team meet and discuss any potential barriers to learning for our Disadvantaged (pupil premium) children. Action is then taken as to how to adapt current provision or put in additional provision, to ensure there is a positive impact on progress. The progress and attainment of our Disadvantaged pupils is analysed at termly Pupil Progress meetings between the leadership team and class teacher. The provision for our Disadvantaged pupils is monitored and reviewed at least termly, at every Full Governing Board meeting and in the termly Headteacher Report to Governors.
Potential barriers to learning for our disadvantaged pupils are:
Poor attendance and punctuality
Lack of parental interest and involvement in education
Parental mental health
Very low starting points on entry to EYFS
Deprivation and over crowding
Parents not encouraging their children to be independent
Low self-esteem and resilience
Speech and language deprivation
Narrow experiences out of school
Limited access to rich language
Child protection and safeguarding
Special Educational Need
Dates of our next pupil premium strategy review: (end of year review 09.07.24) 21.10.24
In the financial year 2023-2024 our school received a total of £149, 865.00 funding. At the time of writing, we had 101 disadvantaged pupils on roll and the school received up to £1,345 for each pupil in in Reception to Year 6 who had registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years. To see how we will spend the money please see the Pupil Premium Strategy Document above.
In the financial year 2022-2023 our school received a total of £111,193.90 funding. At the time of writing, we had 79 disadvantaged pupils on roll and the school received up to £1,345 for each pupil in Reception to Year 6 who had registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years. To see how we will spend the money please see the Pupil Premium Strategy Impact Statement above.